
Weddings, births and more

The OBSERVER wants to run your engagement, wedding, birth and anniversary announcements.

There is no charge for anniversary (25 years and higher), engagement, birth or wedding announcements with a black and white photograph. There is a $20 processing charge for publishing engagement, wedding or birth photographs in color. Anniversary color photos are free.

Submissions should be emailed to lifestyles@observertoday.com, along with a photo as a jpeg. Individuals can also go on line to www.observertoday.com and click “submit news” from the link at the top left corner of the home page to upload a write-up and a photo. If electronic submissions are not possible, writeups may be typed or printed legibly, along with a physical photo which will be scanned in. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like your photograph returned. Submitted color photos can be converted to black and white if so desired. Remember to include a phone number in case we have questions.

For more information and to discuss color photo payment options, please contact the OBSERVER at 366-3000.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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