

World of trouble keeps plaguing Mideast

You might have thought things could not get worse in Gaza. UNICEF estimates there are 50,000 malnourished children. They are in immediate danger of death by starvation. In the first five years of life it’s really important to get enough to eat so that your brain develops normally. Without ...

Save Our Reservoir effort costs village

I am writing in response to a June 2 ad in the OBSERVER run by the “Save Our Reservoir” organization. The wording used in the ad is downright nasty. Implications are made that our Village Trustees and Mayor are horrible and evil people trying to take water away from the village ...

Humanity must laugh at itself

CHAUTAUQUA—With Donald Trump having been almost assassinated and Joe Biden having stood down, we interrupt this unexpectedly serious fortnight in American history for a word about comedy. Yes, comedy. *** Actress Sally Struthers played Archie and Edith’s daughter, Gloria, on the CBS ...

The short story of our long lives

Ben Franklin said that the two things you can count on in life are death and taxes. Ben was wrong. It turns out there’s a third universal certainty if we’re lucky enough to age: Shrinking. Most of us begin losing height after age 40. My shrinkage has been a hard fall. I was considered ...

Words, accusations do matter in long run

The recent attempted assassination attempt on the life of former President Donald Trump was an event that should give us all pause. The rhetoric has grown to a fever pitch. I think that much of the blame for this lies with progressives of all shapes and sizes and the national Democratic party. ...

Reaching a boiling point with water

So Pomfret town Supervisor and North County Water District chairman Dan Pacos has had it with the Save Our Reservoir group. Has it ever occurred to Mr. Pacos that the members and the more than 300 petition signers in favor of upgrading the Village’s water treatment plant, dam and reservoir ...