

DUNKIRK: No-show council short on time

Is it any wonder the city of Dunkirk is facing financial troubles? Since finding out in late March that the municipality would have trouble paying the bills and making ends meet, what have the elected officials done about it? One thing. They borrowed $16 million through a Revenue Anticipation ...

DEMOCRATS Party missed having an open process

For a brief moment on Sunday following President Joe Biden’s announcement that he would not seek re-election in November, Sen. Joe Manchin considered switching parties back to Democrat to explore running for office. That changed a short while later as support coalesced around Vice President ...

DUNKIRK: Breakwater work a need near harbor

Lake Erie can be treacherous once the winds begin whipping. Besides damaging the Lake Front Boulevard breakwall, it can hammer boats and shorelines. It is why Monday’s announcement by U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer and U.S. Rep. Nick Langworthy that Dunkirk Harbor improvements for the breakwater ...

DUNKIRK: Going backward won’t fix finances

County lawmakers will vote today on a resolution requested by County Executive PJ Wendel asking the state Attorney General’s office to investigate Dunkirk’s budget process, audit and applicable financial documents for the city from 2014 through 2024. “At the end of the day, we just need ...

TRAINING CAMP New year has start near Rochester

Some big changes will emerge starting Wednesday when the Buffalo Bills open training camp at St. John Fisher University outside of Rochester on Wednesday. We cannot help but be sentimental that the summers were once at the State University of New York at Fredonia, especially during the real ...

Havoc: State feeling weather’s wrath

We thought we had seen the destructive power of Mother Nature when a tornado ripped through Arkwright and Hanover a couple of weeks ago. Winds reached 110 miles an hour, but damage was largely limited to minor roof and tree damage along Henry Road in Arkwright; tree damage along Putnam, ...