
‘Service to Ukraine’ is service topic Sunday at UUCNC

Sally Naetzker Baer

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Northern Chautauqua (UUCNC), located at 222 Temple St., in Fredonia, holds a Sunday Worship Service at 11 a.m., both at their physical location and on Zoom. For those wishing to join us virtually, please visit https://tinyurl.com/caluucnc. Click on “Worship Service” on the date you are attending and scroll down for the Zoom link. For those attending the in-person service, please follow the driveway and park in the lower lot behind the building. Handicapped parking is located between the two buildings and directly behind the second building.

The theme for May is Pluralism. On Sunday, Sally Naetzker Baer will speak on “Service to Ukraine.”

She is originally from Ashville, spent 20 years in the New York City metro area, and the next 20 years mostly in Ethiopia, Nepal, and Kazakhstan doing community development work with her husband and three youngest children.

With plans to move to Kazakhstan interrupted by Covid, her family moved back to WNY to be closer to aging parents. Soon after that the full-scale invasion of Ukraine began. Having had so many international experiences, including living in Ukraine in 1995, Baer felt uniquely prepared to go to Poland and Ukraine March 2022 with her then 22-year-old son, Willson.

Thus began the service to Ukraine that has continued for over two years. Through this remarkable mission, Sally has personally delivered multiple loads of donations to the front line. Learn more at https://www.baeressentials.org/ukraine-2022 or “Sally Naetzker Baer” on Facebook

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Northern Chautauqua strives to be a vibrant, welcoming, multigenerational, diverse community enlivened by the power of radical love.

For more information, visit the website at www.uucnc.org, or call at 716-679-7944.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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