Silver Creek Seniors meet
SILVER CREEK – The Silver Creek Seniors met on Tuesday, July 16 with 26 members present. President Sally Conover opened the meeting with the Pledge to the flag and all singing God Bless America. Chaplain Pauline Flitt read “The Gift of Love” and offered a prayer for the members and food. Everyone enjoyed corn on the cob, salads and desserts. Sally amused us with some jokes. Cindy Sheedy explained the Yellow Dot program to help Emergency Responders quickly get your information. She passed out forms to fill out and stickers to put on your car window or house front door. Responders then know to look in your glove compartment or your house refrigerator for your information.
The 50-50 raffle winners were Al Wilson (twice), and Joan Suski. Door prizes were won by Deanna Borrello, Becky Fancher and Max Church. Lucky card holders for the wheel were: Becky, Norra Carroll, Earl Sheeler, Al, Enabell Mirando and Tony Borrello. Bingo winners included: Deanna Borrello (twice), Pauline, Ginny Chesbro, Don Hoeber, Harry Suski, Enabell, Joan (3 times), Eleanor Lemiszko, and Lorrie Newman.
Tuesday members are to bring their own brown bag lunches. Desserts are always welcome also. The club meets every Tuesday at 1 p.m. at 1823 Lake Road, Silver Creek and is open to the senior public. Anyone wishing information about the meetings, please call 716-934-2170.