
Today in county history

July 31:

≤ 1860: Some areas experienced frost, a notable weather event for the summer season.

≤ 1874: The Cowings (Lakewood) Post Office was established, enhancing mail service in the area.

≤ 1888: James Whitcomb Riley, the famous poet, spoke at Chautauqua, adding to the institution’s cultural legacy.

≤ 1912: John Anderson of Busti tragically died after mistakenly drinking carbolic acid, thinking it was medicine.

≤ 1937: The Sixth Street Bridge in Jamestown was opened, improving local transportation.

≤ 1941: The first Busti Firemen’s Gala Days began, starting a community tradition.

≤ 1945: The first Gerry Rodeo began, becoming a beloved local event.

≤ 1948: Carroll District 2 Union Free School was dissolved into the Frewsburg Central School district, consolidating educational resources.

≤ 1956: The first chemical weed treatment in Chautauqua Lake using sodium arsenite was conducted, marking an effort to manage aquatic vegetation.

— From the weekly Monday Morning Memo of County Executive PJ Wendel


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