
‘Crazy for You’ begins Friday

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Fredonia High School is celebrating 50 years of musicals this year and will present the musical comedy “Crazy for You” on March 17, 18, 24 and 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the district auditorium. All tickets are $10. Reserved tickets are available at fredoniamusical.com with any remaining tickets sold at the door. “Crazy for You” is an award-winning musical comedy featuring the music of George and Ira Gershwin. It is about a New York City banker who goes to the Old West town of Deadrock, Nev., to close on a theater but he falls in love with theater owner’s daughter. The musical is filled with funny characters and situations and features, dazzling dance numbers and classic Gershwin music including “Someone to Watch Over Me,” “I Got Rhythm,” “Nice Work if You Can Get It,” “They Can’t Take That Away From Me” and many more. Approximately 100 Fredonia students are involved in this production between the cast, pit orchestra and backstage crew. Principal cast members include Ryan Davis (Bobby Child), Ava Hartung (Polly Baker), Jack Tuccio (Bela Zangler), Caitlyn Clary (Irene Roth), Andrew Cowan (Lank Hawkins), Draejen Hicks (Everett Baker), Miriam LaBarr (Lottie Child), Gianna Gullo (Tess), Katherine Fortna (Patsy), Ezra Daly-Griffen (Eugene Fodor) and Julia LeBaron (Patricia Fodor). Any questions, please contact Ben Wendell (Director): 716-679-1581, ext. 1455 or bwendell@fcsd.wnyric.org.


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