
Some colorful gift suggestions for Valentine’s Day

Each year we get something small for our kids around Valentine’s Day, and each year it has been different. We don’t go all out by any means, especially not for each other.

I think throughout our ten years of marriage we have only gotten each other Valentine’s Day gifts for two of those holidays that we shared, and it was probably just candy.

Last year my husband got some kombucha from me with a heartfelt note telling him, ”I love your guts.” If you don’t get it, really don’t worry about that one, but it’s a Ramona Quimby reference.

We do occasionally get surprise gifts for each other, just because. I prefer this type of gift giving by a long shot.

No guilt, no feeling of having to level any playing field. Love isn’t guilt.

There are plenty of things I could say about Valentine’s Day and guilt but I’m just not going to go there.

There are far more important things in life than cheesy cards and candy. That sentiment aside, everyone likes to feel special every once in awhile, so when there’s a chance to do that for the kids, we go for it.

Whether it’s a small themed box of candy from the grocery store, or a movie that they’ve been asking for.

We’ve had plenty of things that were definitely typical gifts for this holiday, and then things that were just items that they needed wrapped up in a cute package.

Getting gifts for your kids shouldn’t break the bank. That isn’t going to help your kids at all. There were times when the gifts were more expensive than others, but we never pointed that out to them.

We talked it up because it was a present and we have tried our best to instill gratitude in them. There’s few worse things in parenting than giving your child something and seeing a spoiled or entitled reaction.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes toddlers, and kids in general are little overflowing buckets of feelings, and that emotion needs a little channeling with the help of an adult.

That’s where the help comes in though, to correct them and explain what the proper response would be. Regardless of whether they were a huge fan of what they just received.

All parenting talk aside, here are some ideas if you’re looking for some kid Valentine’s Day inspiration. Some typical, some quirky, and some aren’t material objects at all.

Some you can combine to make a great gift for multiple children, and some I would honestly be happy to get as an adult!

As always, thanks for reading and Happy Valentine’s Day!

1. Paints

2. Crayons

3. Fun patterned scissors

4. Construction paper

5. Stickers

6. Coloring book

7. Glitter glue

8. Paint brushes

9. Pipe cleaners

10. Googly eyes

11. Notebook

12. Fancy pens or pencils

13. Personalized stationery

14. Bubble bath

15. Bath crayons

16. Bath toys

17. Bath loofahs

18. Special bath towel

19. Glow sticks

20. Yo-yo

21. Slinky

22. Bubbles

23. Play-doh

24. Books

25. Stuffed animals

26. Favorite candy bar

27. New movie

28. Trip to the movies

29. Ice skating date

30. Parent dinner date

31. Sled

32. Hat and mittens

33. Snow brick builders

34. Mommy & daughter nail date

35. Hot cocoa date.

Katy Wise is a Fredonia resident. Send comments to editorial@observertoday.com


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