
Washington family of Dunkirk holds 107th reunion

Members of the Washington Family of Dunkirk during the 107th family reunion at the Lake Erie State Park.

Descendants of the Washington family of Dunkirk gathered together for their 107th annual family reunion at the Lake Erie State Park in Brocton

President Shane Washington of Washington, D.C. opened the gathering with welcome. Descendants from several of the original family attended.

The group is known as the “Washington of Dunkirk.” The family’s original immigrants were John Thomas and Elizabeth Ward Washington, who traveled to the United States from Littleport, England in the time period from 1902 to 1905 with 12 of their 13 children. One child died before they immigrated to the U.S. They built a house on West Sixth Street in Dunkirk where the family was raised.

Before the meal, Secretary John Sipos of Cassadaga gave the blessing to all with everyone standing holding hands in a big circle. Thanks were extended to all for attending the reunion. All those attending brought dishes of food to share with the others.

Following the meal, the annual business meeting was called to order by President Washington. Minutes of the reunion held last year were read by secretary Sipos. Treasurer Nancy Washington Wickmark of Cassadaga gave the financial report of the group. The oldest females attending were Natalie Ann Nichols Hannum of Dunkirk, and Virginia Caroline Hannum Snyder of Bournes Beach, Westfield, and the oldest male was Bruce Albert Washington of Ohio. The youngest was Julia McAdoo.

President Washington was thanked for sending out the invitations. Treasurer Wickmark was thanked for arranging for the meeting location.

Gail Pugh Dash of Cassadaga had photographs of the Washington family home in England. She also talked about some old historical books. Four births were announced and recorded, and four deaths of family members were announced.

Susan Washington Sipos of Cassadaga, had researched the family and typed the family genealogy book, which took two years. She announced that she is keeping up to date on births, marriages and deaths of the family, and said that any updates should be sent to her.

Officers for the next reunion were elected. Shane Washington will continue as the president, Nancy Wickmark will serve as the treasurer, and John Sipos as the secretary.

The 2025 reunion is scheduled for Saturday July 12, 2025 at 1 p.m. All family members are encouraged to attend.

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