
Sunday Lifestyles

JCC Announces Part-Time Dean’s List

The following Jamestown Community College students earned part-time dean’s list honors for academic excellence during the Fall 2024 semester. To be eligible, a student must achieve a minimum 3.5 GPA while enrolled in six to 11 degree credits. Brocton: Michelle Burrows, Andrew ...

Shakespeare Club learns about Father of Fairy Tales

The Fredonia Shakespeare Club recent meeting was called to order by President Sharon Klug at the home of Nicki Schoenl in November. Judi Lutz Woods presented her paper on “Hans Christian Anderson.” Although best known for his fairy tales, Andersen was a “critical journalist with ...

Small bits of advice often last lifetime

There are countless ways to section off stages of our lives. Birthdays are probably the most overrated. Despite all the hype, rarely does something of significance happen on a birthday, other than perhaps overindulgence in cake or booze. Meaningful episodes seem to avoid the spotlight and sneak ...

Mistrust, abuse life trap prevalent in unhealthy families

Many clients with this life trap have a difficult time trusting counselors. It’s ironic that the very people they go to for help, become suspect. When we look at where they come from, namely mental, physical, sexual abuse, coupled with feelings of pain, fear, rage and grief, make it ...

News sometimes spread too fast through the Westfield ‘Grapevine’

I always was amazed how my husband knew so much about whatever was happening in our community even before it was ever printed in the newspaper. I moved to Westfield in1974. My husband was born here and his family had been here for generations. His roots were here. Due to life’s many ...

New Horizons Band seeks more music makers

The New Horizons Band of Western New York is ready to begin rehearsals on Wednesday, Jan. 29. It marks the second half of the band’s 20th anniversary season. The band, under the direction of Dr. Katherine McKay, is actively seeking new members - people with a past attachment to music or ...