
Area police


Jamestown firefighters were dispatched to a reported tractor trailer fire around 3:15 p.m. Saturday. Upon arrival, a 53-foot semi trailer was fully involved near an empty lot, west of Monroe and Isabella Streets. While there were three other trailers next to the involved trailer, firefighters were able to keep fire damage confined to the one trailer. Crews left the scene by 4:30 p.m.


— Jamie L. Bennett, 39, of Jamestown was charged with seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance and traffic tickets after a Saturday afternoon incident.

Around 3:13 p.m., officers conducted a traffic stop in the area of Spring and Crossman streets. The driver was identified as Bennett and was operating the vehicle with an expired license. Through further investigation it was found she was in possession of a quantity of Methamphetamine.

Bennett was placed into custody and transported to Jamestown City Jail. Jamie was released with traffic tickets and given a ticket to be in court later.

— Dale R Linkous Jr., 25, of Jamestown, was charged with third-degree and seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation, operating a motor vehicle without an ignition interlock system, and an equipment violation of non transparent side windows.

At 6:09 p.m. Friday, officers conducted a traffic stop on Prendergast Avenue near Crossman Street. Officers identified the driver as Linkous. It was found that Linkous’ driving

privileges were revoked and that he was required to have an Ignition Interlock System installed which the vehicle was not equipped with. Linkous was placed into custody and upon further investigation, officers located a small quantity of Methamphetamine and a metal Kung Fu Star, which is illegal to possess in the state. Linkous was transported to the Jamestown City Jail and held pending arraignment.

— Kayla M. Wiberg, 31, of Jamestown was charged with second-degree attempted assault, resisting arrest and an outstanding bench warrant after an incident with police.

At 1:30 p.m. Friday, an officer observed Wiberg, who had a confirmed bench warrant out of Jamestown City Court, walking on the sidewalk in front of her residence. The officer attempted to take Wiberg into custody, but she actively resisted arrest. Additional officers responded to the scene to assist with taking Wiberg into custody. During the incident, she bit an officer on the leg, causing visible marks. After a brief struggle, officers took Wiberg into custody.

Wiberg was transported to the Jamestown City Jail and was being held pending arraignment in Jamestown City Court.

— A pair of Jamestown residents are facing drug charges after being picked up by police early Saturday. Just after midnight, the Violence Crime Unit and K9 Unit conducted a traffic stop on Allen Street near Institute Street.

During the traffic stop officers determined that Kim Sue Nutting, 49, and Joshua Warner, 37, were in possession Methamphetamine, digital scales, packaging materials and a

quantity of US currency. Both subjects were taken into custody.

In a search incident during the arrest, officers located an additional 19.5 grams of methamphetamine on Nutting, who was charged with two counts of second-degree criminally using drug paraphernalia and one count of third-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance. Warner was charged with two counts of second-degree criminally using

drug paraphernalia and one count of fifth-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance. Warner was also issued numerous uniform traffic tickets. Both subjects were held pending arraignment due to the felony charges.


— POLAND — At 4 p.m. Saturday, deputies responded to a residence for a report of an unwanted person. Upon arrival, Deputies located Amanda J. Mecca, 39, of Kennedy at the residence. After an investigation it was found that Mecca was remaining inside the residence unlawfully.

Upon taking Mecca into custody, she attempted to resist arrest and was quickly placed into custody despite her attempts. Mecca was charged with second-degree criminal trespass and resisting arrest. She was transported to the Chautauqua County Jail pending arraignment. She will return to town court later.


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