
Community notebook

Cat adoption fees reduced

A special cat adoption opportunity is being made available by the Lakeshore Humane Society throughout September. During the month, the adoption fee for cats over one year of age is reduced to $40. As with all adoptions, this includes: spay/neuter; rabies, distemper, and leukemia vaccinations; FIV/FeLV testing; flea and worming treatments; 10-day health guarantee; and a 30-day refund for return of the cat if there is not a good match with the adopter.

The usual adoption fee for kittens is in effect for September. For kittens under five months, the fee is $75 each or $110 for two. For kittens over five months, the fee is $60 each or $90 for two. For senior cats (over 8 years old), the adoption fee is always $30.

The Lakeshore Humane Society holds Open Adoption Hours Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m., and Saturdays from noon to 3 p.m. (Individual appointments outside these times are also available.) The LHS Adoption Center is located at 431 E. Chestnut St. in Dunkirk. For more information about the cats and dogs in need of loving homes, see the Lakeshore Humane Society’s website at www.lakeshorehumanesociety.org, visit LHS’s Facebook page, or call 716-672-1991.

Author to speak in Brocton

BROCTON — The Ahira Hall Memorial Library will host local author, Dawn M. Swanson on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. During the chat, Swanson will share her new children’s book: “Charlotte, The Very Good, Very Naughty Girl” with participants, discuss the process of writing and publishing the book, and answer questions. Copies of this book will be available for purchase.

For more information, please contact the library at (716) 792-9419 or Director@AhiraHall.org

Library book sale this week

COLLINS — Collins Library will be holding its annual Book Sale Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.,Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Breakfast Club meets Thursday

The New York State Department of Transportation Breakfast Club will meet at 10 a.m. Thursday at Demetri’s in Dunkirk.

History of timbering is topic

MAYVILLE — The Chautauqua Town Historical Society’s next meeting will include a program by noted local Historian Fletcher Ward on the topic of one of his recent books: “The Last Raft: Timbering Chautauqua’s Virgin Watershed.”

The meeting will be on Thursday at 7 p.m. in the meeting room of the Town of Chautauqua Building, 2 Academy St, Mayville. All who are interested in local history are invited to attend.

The society operates the Mayville Depot museum, which is open in the summer. For further information contact chautauquatownhistory@gmail.com .

Brocton-Portland Seniors meet

BROCTON — Brocton-Portland Seniors met Aug. 29 with President Robin Carr welcoming 47 members.

Barbara Crandall gave Prayer of Thanks and Tom DeJoe led the Pledge of Allegiance. New members Kathy Peters and Becky Addington were welcomed.

Committee members Deb Messere, Annabelle Hahn, DeJoe, Carr, Linda Riley and Sue Schrantz set up and served the huge variety of pot luck delicious dishes .

The concert at Ryckman Park with Pat Cook was excellent. Vice President Bill Phillips passed out flyers for Brocton Central School Fitness Center and Pool. The fees and hours are user friendly to seniors with a call to Brocton school for all information. Cards were sent to Pauline Johnson and Patty Ploetz.

Carr announced a casino trip on Monday. For more information, call 716-230-4081. Ideas for upcoming trips were shared.

Birthdays were celebrated by DeJoe, Schrantz, Messere and Dorothy Derby. Mary Carey and Christina Galardo won the door prizes. Bingo was played with Margaret Jagoda calling.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 26 and will include a Chinese auction. Members need to bring items for the auction, a dish to pass for the tureen pot luck and personal table service.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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