Community notebook
Fred Basket lists monthly hours
On Saturday, Feb. 22, Fred Basket previously known as The Fredonia Food Pantry will be open from 10 a.m. to noon at Fredonia Presbyterian Church at 219 Central Ave. Additionally, Wednesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. Thursdays 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Guests may only receive one helping a month. These new hours hope to serve those who cannot attend on Saturdays the food pantry serves the needs of residents of Fredonia, ZIP code 14063, Pomfret, Sheridan, and Laona. All guests receive one or more bags of non-perishable food. Number of bags given out depends on family size. The pantry will be closed on Feb, 15 for Valentine’s Day.
Church plans Feb. 15 dinner
St. John’s United Church of Christ will be holding a spaghetti and Italian sausage dinner on Saturday, Feb. 15. Dinner will be from 4:30 to 6 p.m., eat in or takeout. Reservations strongly suggested, call 716-366-0710.
With a reservation, your dinner will be held for you; no need to pay in advance. Tickets are $13 each and include dessert. Enter the church parking lot from Eagle Street.
Coffee Club to meet Feb. 14
Roblin Steel Coffee Club will meet Friday, Feb. 14, at 9 a.m. at Demetri’s On The Lake, Dunkirk.
Mayville Senior Citizens gather
MAYVILLE — Thirty-six members of the Mayville Senior Citizens met on Jan. 16 at the VFW for a delicious ham dinner prepared by Darlene Harper. There was no meeting in December. Correspondence was read by acting secretary, Fran Miller. The Treasury report was given by Kathie Sukalac. Tom DeJoe is a new member. Entertainment was by John Savage and Pat Cook.
Next meeting is Feb. 20 for a soup and sandwiches dinner. The speaker will be Rita Himes.
Brocton-Portland Seniors meet
BROCTON — Brocton-Portland Seniors met Jan. 28 at Tri Church Parish, 41 E. Main St. President Margaret Jagoda opened the meeting before 42 members with prayer by Mary Matteson and Pledge of Allegiance by Brian Stanton.
Committee for the day was Kathy Peters, Margaret Jagoda, Barbara Crandall, Ruth Neal, Rita Bennett and Clara Wilder. New members Sharon and Donald Carlson were welcomed. Secretary minutes were read and approved by Louise Torrey and Duane Hemmis. Treasurer’s report was read and approved by Tom DeJoe and Linda Burton.
A New Dining Out location at Fredonia First Methodist Church is on Wednesdays and Fridays. Office of Aging Services is planning an Aging Expo on May 22 at SUNY Fredonia.
April 1 will be a bus trip to Angelica, please call Robin Carr 716-753-4582 by March 15 for details.
Donations were made to Ahira Hall Library, West Portland Food Pantry and Tri Church Food Ministry. Beverly Strauser is Assistant Secretary and Clara Wilder is Assistant Treasurer. January birthdays were Kathy Peters, Ruth Neal.
Janice West, Clara Wilder and Debbie Gillis won the door prizes. There were eight raffle winners.
Bingo was enjoyed with interesting prizes. Next month on Feb. 25 will be a fun time with the results of the King and Queen contest and Valentine games. A luncheon sign up sheet was filled out for soup, sandwich or dessert. Anita Calcaterra, Kathy Peters, and Denise Spiller are the committee. Dues for 2025 still being taken. New members are welcome.