Borrello repeats opposition to wind energy in Portland hearing

OBSERVER Photo More signs like this one are starting to be noticeable on Route 20 in Brocton and Portland.
PORTLAND — A number of residents attended Tuesday’s hearing on the town’s proposed changes to the wind-energy law. One who sent in a statement was state Sen. George Borrello. He reiterated his opposition to wind energy.
Here is his complete statement:
“Thank you to the officials in the Town of Portland for the opportunity to provide input on the proposed amendment to the Wind Energy Facilities Law. Transparency and public comment are crucial on an issue that will have far-reaching ramifications for this community.
“Most of you know that I have been a longtime opponent of industrial wind turbines as a source of renewable energy. That hasn’t changed.
“I’ve done a lot of research on this issue, all of which has led me to conclude these projects are a liability for our region and a deceptively false solution to increasing renewable energy.
My opposition is based on the following facts:
“Industrial wind turbines are not clean.They are not green, nor are they economically self-sustaining. They require massive, perpetual subsidy by the taxpayers. They truly only benefit Wall Street investment firms and the green energy industry, who – together – have seized on the opportunity to exploit this politically-driven agenda.
“One of our region’s greatest assets is its natural beauty and tranquility. That is why we live here and why tens of thousands of people visit Chautauqua County each year. Wind farms are a blight on that pristine landscape. Together, with all of the other negative impacts outlined here, they are a losing proposition for our communities.
“Thank you for your consideration of my comments.”