Getting ready for Tuesday: no flipping ballot in county and the races

MAYVILLE — “Don’t forget to turn over your ballot on Nov. 7!” is the rally cry across New York state this year as groups attempt to increase voter participation for the once every 20-year up or down vote to hold a constitution convention to review or re-write our state’s governing document.
Except that in Chautauqua County voters will not be turning the ballot over, but instead the Board of Elections printed the Nov. 7, 2017 ballot proposition side up for voters. It is believed that Chautauqua County, which prints its own ballots in-house saving taxpayers nearly $50,000 each budget year, is the only county in the state providing this option.
There are three proposals on the ballot this year that allow for a yes or no vote. If the voter skips the vote, it neither helps nor hurts the results.
¯ BALLOT PROPOSAL 1: The New York Constitution does provide for an automatic ballot referral for a constitutional convention question at 20-year intervals authorizing a constitutional convention, with one in 2017.
¯ BALLOT PROPOSAL 2: The Pension Forfeiture for Convicted Officials Amendment, would amend the NYS Constitution authorizing judges to reduce or revoke the public pension of a public officer convicted of a felony related to his or her official duties.
¯ BALLOT PROPOSAL 3: The Forest Preserve Land Bank Amendment, would create a 250-acre land bank, which would allow local governments to request state Forest Preserve land for qualifying projects in exchange for the state adding 250 new acres to the preserve; and allow bike paths, sewer lines, and utility lines within the width of highways on preserve land.
Voters can find their personal voter information, a copy of all county ballots, and a list of all candidates in the county at
City voters will have their choice between two Third Ward council candidates and three City Court judge candidates in Tuesday’s election.
Adelino Gonzalez Jr. is running for re-election as Third Ward councilman on the Democratic line. Challenger Shaun P. Heenan is running on the Republican and Conservative lines.
Running for the City Court judge vacancy is John M. Kuzdale on the Democratic and Working Families lines; Joseph A. Price on the Republican, Conservative and Independence lines; and Ronald A. Szot on the Green and Women’s Equality lines.
Uncontested races include the Second and Fourth ward council seats. Martin Bamonto has been endorsed by the Democratic and Working Families parties for re-election as Second Ward councilman. Michael S. Civiletto has been endorsed by the Democratic, Working Families, Independence and Women’s Equality parties for his bid for the Fourth Ward seat.
On the ballot, the First Ward council seat appears contested, however, Dennis Welka, endorsed by the Conservative Party, withdrew from the race after printing. Incumbent Donald J. Williams Jr. is running on the Democratic, Working Families, Independence and Women’s Equality lines.
Also, uncontested are Mark A. Woods’ and Thomas F. Mleczko’s bids for re-election as city treasurer and city clerk board of assessors, respectively. Both are endorsed by the Democratic Party.
Chautauqua County
There are two candidates running for county executive. Mike Ferguson is the Democratic candidates while current county Legislator George Borrello is the Republican.
There also is a race for county clerk. Incumbent Larry Barmore, a Republican, is facing LeeAnn Lazarony, the Democratic candidate.
District 1- Republican incumbent Kevin Muldowney will face off against Democratic newcomer James Palmatier for the legislature’s District 1 seat. Muldowney has the Republican, Conservative and Independence party endorsements while Palmatier holds the Democratic endorsement. District 1 represents residents in the city of Dunkirk’s west side and town of Dunkirk.
District 2- Current Democratic County Legislator Bob Bankoski is running unopposed. Bankoski is endorsed by the Democratic, Conservative, Working Families, Independence and Women’s Equality parties. District 2 represents residents on the city of Dunkirk’s east side and town of Dunkirk.
District 3- The race will see a contest between Republican incumbent Bob Scudder and Working Families’ candidate Bob Dando. Scudder is endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties while Dando is endorsed by the Democratic, Working Families and Women’s Equality parties. District 3 represents residents in the village of Fredonia and town of Pomfret.
District 4- Democratic incumbent Christine Starks is running unopposed for the seat. Starks is endorsed by the Democratic, Working Families, Independence and Women’s Equality parties. District 4 represents residents in the village of Fredonia
District 5- Republican incumbent Terry Niebel is running unopposed in this year’s election. Niebel has the endorsements of the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties. District 5 represents the towns of Sheridan, Arkwright, Villenova and Cherry Creek.
District 6- A contested race will be seen for the seat currently held by County Legislator George Borrello. Democrat Kevin O’Connell will square off against Republican Gary Cerne. O’Connell is endorsed by the Democratic and Working Families parties while Cerne is endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties. District 6 represents the village of Silver Creek and town of Hanover.
District 7- Republican incumbent Mark Odell is running unopposed. Odell will appear on the Republican, Conservative and Independence party lines. District 7 represents citizens in the towns of Portland and Stockton and villages of Brocton and Cassadaga.
District 14- Republican newcomer Daniel Pavlock is running unopposed. Pavlock, who was voted in as legislature last month to replace Mark Tarbrake, is endorsed by the Republican and Conservative parties. District 14 represents residents in the towns of Charlotte, Gerry and Ellington and village of Sinclairville.
District 19- Republican incumbent John Hemmer is running for re-election against Ripley Democrat Laurel L. Adams. Hemmer will appear on the Republican, Conservative and Independence party lines. District 19 represents residents in the towns of Westfield and Ripley and village of Westfield.
Erie County Legislature
District 11- Current Erie County Legislator John J. Mills, R-Orchard Park, is running unopposed in the race for District 11. Mills’ name will appear on the ballot under the Republican, Conservative, Independence and Reform party lines. Mills ran unopposed in the previous four elections.
Erie County Court Judge
Susan M. Eagan is running uncontested for a 10-year term. Eagan has the backing of the Democratic, Republican, Conservative, Working Families, Green, Reform and Independence parties.
All voters in New York State will get their say on three ballot measures on Nov. 7. In Chautauqua County residents will not need to flip over their ballots as the board of elections had them printed on the front. All others will need to flip over their ballots to vote on the three measures.
Proposal 1 is offered every 20 years to allow the opportunity to hold a Constitutional Convention. Proposal 2, if approved, will allow judges to revoke the state pension of a public officer convicted of a duty-related felony. Proposal 3 creates a 250-acre land bank to provide forest preserve for local projects (mainly of concern in the Adirondacks), if approved by voters.
Voters in the Eighth Judicial District will also be asked to vote on the two uncontested state supreme court justice positions. Running for election are Erin M. Peradotto and Lynn Wessel Keane.
Chautauqua County
There are two town council seats up for election. Incumbent Christopher C. Cannon, endorsed by the Republican and Conservative parties, is running unopposed
Conservative Republican Lawrence J. Ball, is also running unopposed for a town council seat.
There are three candidates running for two village trustee seats. They include: incumbent Jason DeJoe, Democrat; incumbent Bryan C. Woleben, Republican; and Arthur L. Miller, Republican.
In the Town Supervisor race, incumbent Democrat Kenneth Bochmann is running against Allen W. Chase who is endorsed by the Conservative, Republican and Independent parties.
Charlotte voters will vote on the competitive race for town clerk. The choice of candidates are incumbent Conservative, Republican and Independent endorsed Susan L. Peacock and Democrat Jennifer Stenta.
Two town council seats are up for election. Both candidates, Mark N. Abbey and Darren J. Carlstrom, are running unopposed and are being endorsed by the Conservative, Republican and Independent parties.
Mark G. LeBaron, endorsed by the Conservative, Republican and Independent parties is running unopposed for town highway superintendent.
Incumbent Randolph T. Henderson, endorsed by the Democratic, Independent and Working Families parties is running unopposed for town justice.
There are three candidates running to fill two town council seats: incumbent Thomas J. Carlson, endorsed by the Democratic and Republican parties; incumbent David P. Ward, Republican; and Sharon M. Smead, Democrat.
Incumbent William W. Young, Republican, is running unopposed for town supervisor.
Mary J. Pulliam, Republican, is running unopposed for town clerk.
There are two seats up for election for town council. Running are incumbents Carl D. Smallback, Democrat; and James R. Abbey, Republican.
Incumbent Kenneth W. Chase, Republican, is running unopposed for town highway superintendent.
Incumbent Mia M. Abbey, Republican, is running unopposed for town tax collector.
Incumbent Richard A. Purol, Democrat, is running unopposed for town supervisor.
Incumbent Jean M. Crane, Republican, is running unopposed for town clerk.
Christopher D. Penfold, Republican, is running unopposed for town justice.
There are two town council seats up for election. Running are incumbent Juan Pagan, Democrat; and incumbent Robert L. Penharlow, Republican.
Incumbent David Prince, endorsed by the Democratic and Republican parties, is running unopposed for village justice.
There are four candidates running for two village trustee seats. They include: incumbent Republican Doug Essek; Leslie Wille, endorsed by the Democratic and Concord parties; Steven Yunghans, endorsed by the Democratic and Concord parties; and Roger Britz Jr., Republican.
Three candidates are running to fill the vacant village trustee seat: Michael C. Barris, Democrat; Dale Ricker, Republican; and Ronald Lee Sellers, endorsed by the Village Vitality party.
Three candidates are running against each other for town justice. They include incumbent Anthony J. Pearl, Democrat; Philip Hall, Republican; and Wayne L. Ashley, endorsed by the Conservative and Independence parties.
There are four candidates running for two town council seats. They include: incumbent Bernard J. Feldmann Jr., endorsed by the Republican and Conservative parties; Edward Schintzius, endorsed by the Democratic, Conservative and Working Families parties; Adam M. Karnes, endorsed by the Republican and Independence parties; and Democrat Peter Gibson.
Incumbent Donald R. Steger, endorsed by the Democratic, Working Families and Independence parties, is running unopposed for town supervisor.
Incumbent Allison A. Dispense, endorsed by the Democratic, republican, Conservative and Independence parties, is running unopposed for town clerk.
There are three candidates running for two town council seats. They include: incumbent Brett M. Christy, endorsed by the Democratic and Independence parties; incumbent Christopher H. Schaeffer, endorsed by the Democratic, Conservative, Working Families and Women’s Equality parties; and Michael M. Reynolds, endorsed by the Republican and Conservative parties.
The two candidates running for highway superintendent are incumbent Daniel D. Begelow, endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties; and Joel K. Chimera, Democrat.
Incumbent Daniel F. Schrantz, endorsed by the Democratic, Working Families and Independence parties, is running unopposed for town supervisor.
Incumbent Roxane Sobecki, endorsed by the Democratic, Republican, Conservative and Independence parties, is running unopposed for town clerk.
There are three candidates running for two town council seats. They include: incumbent Jerry Boltz, Democrat; incumbent Rick M. Manzella, endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties; and Matt Furman, Democrat.
The two candidates running for highway superintendent are Charles E Kelley, Jr., endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties; and Kenneth B Becker, endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties.
Incumbent Susan Hindman, endorsed by the Democratic, Republican and Conservative parties, is running unopposed for tax collector.
There are two candidates running for two town council seats: incumbent Patricia A. Hathaway, endorsed by the Democratic and Independence parties; and John L. Trevelline, endorsed by the Democratic and Independence parties.
John H. Walker II, endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties, is running unopposed for town supervisor.
The two candidates running for town clerk are Susan A. Bigler, Democrat; and Rebecca Schafer, endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties.
Incumbent Lydia Romer, endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and independence parties, is running unopposed for town justice.
There are three candidates running for two town council seats: incumbent Richard C. Feinen, endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties; Ann L. Tofil, Democrat; and Craig M. Sutton Jr., endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties.
Incumbent Thomas J. Wik, endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties, is running unopposed for the vacant town council seat.
Incumbent Jeffrey A. Feinen, endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties, is running unopposed for highway superintendent.
Jeffrey Hornburg, endorsed by the Republican and Conservative parties, is running unopposed for village mayor.
There are two candidates running for two village trustee seats: incumbent Warren Kelly, endorsed by the Republican and Conservative parties; and Stephen Romanik, endorsed by the Republican and Conservative parties.
Incumbent Mark A. Cunningham, endorsed by the Democratic, Republican, Conservative, Independence, Working Families, Green and Women’s Equality parties, is running unopposed for town justice.
There are two candidates running for two town council seats: incumbent Stan Zembryski, Democrat; and incumbent Allen S. Chase, endorsed by the Republican and Conservative parties.
There are two candidates running for two town council seats: Nathan A. Palmer, Republican; and incumbent Westley G. Tessey, Republican.
Jerry A. Laporte, endorsed by the Republican and Conservative parties, is running unopposed for town justice.
There are two candidates running for two town council seats: incumbent David A. Spann, Republican; and William O. Northrop, Republican.
Municipal candidates
The lone candidate for the town supervisor position is Mark J. DeCarlo, who is endorsed by the Republican, Conservative and Independent parties. There are two council seats available and three running. Alexander J. Kujawinski, Democratic Party; Donna M. Marien, Republican Party; Michael R. Muffoletto, Republican, Conservative, Independent parties; are all running. One town justice position is available and two candidates. For the Democratic, Conservative, Working Families, Independence parties, Donald L. Clark is running and for the Republican Party, Chad R. Kaczmarek is going for the position.
There is one candidate for the town supervisor position. Kenneth E. Martin, Republican and Independent backed, will run for the two-year position. The two council positions are between three candidates. Thomas C. Siegle, Democratic Party; James Hotrich, Independent, Democratic, Republican and Conservative parties; Sara Jane Sion, Republican and Independent parties; are all running. For the town superintendent of highways, Republican, Conservative and Independent parties have Peter D. Waterman, the lone candidate.
For the supervisor positoin, Angie Mardino-Miller is the lone candidate. She is supported by the Rupublican and Independent parties. (R) Ruth Bennett is running unopposed for the town clerk position. (R, C, I) Brian Taber is the lone contender for the superintendent of highways for Dayton. The council has two opennings and two candidates running. Both backed by the Republican Party, Bruce Drajem and Thomas Chupa are running for the seats.
There is one seat available for town council. Michael R. Schraft and Guy J. Canonico, Jr. are both contending for the seat. Schraft is backed by the Democratic, Conservative, Green, Working Families and Women’s Equality parties. Canonico is supported by the Republican and Independent parties. For town clerk, Lynn M. Krajacic is the only runner as she is backed by the Democratic, Republican, Conservative and Independent parties. For town superintendent of highways, Edward J. Michalski is running unopposed. He is supported by the Democratic, Republican, Conservative and Independent parties.
Fred Filock is running unopposed for the supervisor’s position, and is backed by the Republican Party. The town clerk has one candidate on the ballot, (D, R) Sheila Fiebelkorn is running. For the two council seats, there are two candidates. (D, R) Jacqueline Ellis and (R) Calvin Milliman are going for election.
North Collins
Two seats are available on the town council. William Moritz and Pete Robbins are backed by the Republican Party and James Lint and John Mrozek are for the Democratic Party. Mrozek is also with the Working Families Party.
For town supervisor, John Walgus is running unopposed as the Republican, Independent and Conservative parties back him. The two council seats are being voted as Gloria Tomaszewski and Robert Dingman, Jr. are running. Tomaszewski and Dingman are both supported by the Republican, Conservative and Independent parties.
The town of Perrysburg has its supervisor’s position up to vote and two council seats. For supervisor, (D) Constance Johnson and (R) Jennifer Dabolt are candidates for the opening. For the two coucil seats, Republicans Richard Gabel and Andrew Lord and Democrats Mary Stuhr and Lisa Towne are all contending to be on the board.