
Thule Lodge gets annual historical report

Submitted Photo Shown in the photograph are Diane Shaw, chaplain; MaryAnn Eva Ingrao, cultural leader; historian John Sipos; past chairman Ralph Veights; Bernice Veights, membership chairman; and Karen Johnson.

JAMESTOWN — The Thule Lodge of Chautauqua County completed its 112th year of being the Swedish lodge in the county.

Thule Lodge is a part of the VASA order of America and a part of New York District No. 4. Thule Lodge was formed to help the many Swedish immigrants settle in the United States with housing, schools and employment. Many of the Swedish immigrants were employed in the many furniture factories which were once in the area. Today, the lodge serves to preserve the Swedish heritage through events and activities during the year.

The annual historical report was presented by lodge historian John Sipos to immediate past chairman Ralph Veights. The historical report includes copies of lodge activities, minutes, and many photographs, including newspaper articles. Sipos has been the lodge historian for 20 years, and also serves as the historian for the village of Cassadaga and the Town of Stockton.

New members to Thule Lodge are always welcome.


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