
Brocton Central School’s STEM program gets recognized

Above, students participate in Brocton’s STEM program. Submitted Photo

The National Education Foundation has recognized Brocton Central Schools for its distinguished implementation of NEF’s Total STEM System Solution.

Brocton Central Schools’ STEM initiative focuses on a strategic approach to learning to create an impact for students and school districts, with individualized learning, mentoring, performance tracking, awards for students and teachers, certificates and teacher training.

Brocton Central Schools was honored as the National Education Foundation’s 2019 STEM Academy of the Year and has continued its work during the 2019-20 school year. As COVID-19 caused a shift to distance learning, National Education Foundation academies like Brocton have worked to continue STEM learning even as schools were shut down.

“During this unprecedented times of emergency remote learning, the programs we have been providing with our partnership with NEF have helped make the transition to distance learning easier, as BCS students have had ample opportunity to use technology as part of their educational experience at Brocton,” said Jodi Huber, Brocton Central School STEM coordinator. “Over the last three years, we have seen consistent student growth over one-grade level each year in our elementary students with the use of Successmaker. This year we have had the opportunity to offer more online personalized learning options for our secondary students with Gradpoint and Engineering the Future. Three years ago we did not have one robotics kit. Over the last few years, we have been able to start robotics with Ozobots with students in K-8 having the opportunity to learn about robotics and coding through Ozobot lessons. At the secondary level, we now have a robotics course. As part of the course, students were introduced to Airblock Drones, which could not have been possible without NEF. At the middle school, a Minecraft team was initiated this year with more than 20 students involved, allowing an added extracurricular offering for our students while they have fun learning and working in teams. All of these programs enhanced the academic opportunities we can offer our students, while also meeting their individual needs to achieve personal growth and success.”

For more information, visit www.stemnef.org or call 703-823-9999.


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