
Many claw to Lobster Fest at Memorial Park in Dunkirk

Paul Esperson boils lobster in Memorial Park Saturday.

Eight months in the making, Kelly Esperson did something few could — turn a fresh water area into Cape Cod for the day as Lobster Fest took over Memorial Park in Dunkirk over the weekend.

“Following suit of the guy I bought Off the Hook from, it was done in a smaller way,” Esperson told the OBSERVER. “This is the first time we’ve done it as big scale”

It became larger when a boiler was purchased in November, 130 tickets larger, and that’s how many dinners were sold for this broader event.

Though tickets were sold out, much was still offered including lobster mac and cheese and lobster rolls, so many clamored into the park to taste some of Dunkirk’s only seafood place.

In addition to everything lobster Esperson, along with her family sold drinks and pastries as live music played in the background. In the future the proceeds are to benefit the fireworks display for the city.

Charles Whitlow, Debbie Packard and Barb Whitlow were among the many that came out for the seafood event Saturday.

“We want to give back to the area in some way,” Esperson said. “Helping to make the display bigger and better is one of the ways we want to say thank you to the public that supports us every year.”

OBSERVER Photos by Jo Ward The whole Esperson family came together to make Off the Hook’s Lobster Fest a success as it overtook Memorial Park Saturday.


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