
Rosas to receive honor for city leadership

Mayor Wilfred Rosas of Dunkirk will receive honors Tuesday from a United Nations-linked organization for outstanding leadership and service to the city of Dunkirk.

Ambassador Hugues Sanon from COJEP International will pay a courtesy visit to Dunkirk, where Rosas will receive the Medal of Honor and the Global Distinguished Leadership Award for his leadership, his tireless work and his impact on the city through outstanding work.

The official presentation of the award and medal will take place at Dunkirk City Hall, 342 Central Ave., Tuesday, at 4:30 p.m.

Rosas would like to invite all interested public to attend the award presentation. The event will be at the City Hall front steps; in case of inclement weather, the presentation will be moved inside City Hall to the mayor’s conference room located on the second floor.

Recently, during the gala organized by the Democratic Committee with Gov. Kathy Hochul, on behalf of COJEP International, Sanon presented the Medal of Honor to Jamestown Mayor Eddie Sundquist in the presence of three other fellow mayors, various elected officials, legislators and Democratic leaders for his years of service to the Jamestown community.

Additionally, Sanon presented the Medal of Honor to the following police officials for their service to the Chautauqua County community: Police Chiefs Timothy Jackson, Jamestown; William Ohnmeiss Jr., Ellicott; Christopher A. DePonceau, Lakewood and Busti; David Ortolano, Dunkirk; and Robert Genther, Westfield; along with New York State Police Capt. Daniel Hollands and Chautauqua County Sheriff James Quattrone.

The Medal of Honor and the Global Distinguished Leadership Award are the highest decorations and awards given by COJEP International. They go to personalities who have impacted their community and the world through their service, and who have distinguished themselves by acts of bravery beyond the call of duty in their lives.

Sanon is the Special Envoy of International Relations to the United Nations and the coordinator for the American continent of COJEP International. He is also the vice-president of the World Organization for Sustainable Development accredited to the UN; president of the Journal Haïti and the global ambassador of the Foundation for a Drug Free World, the

Americas Chapter.

COJEP International was created in 1985 and today has its headquarters in Strasbourg. This organization has consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, UNESCO (Liaison Committee of NGOs), the Council of Europe (Conference of NGOs), the OECD and is accredited to the European Parliament and the OSCE. In

addition, it also provides coordination in Asia, Eurasia, Africa, the Middle East, the Balkans and the United States. COJEP International has gained experience and respect over time and is becoming an organization accredited and respected by the international community. Today, it works for humanitarian values and has demonstrated to international organizations the importance of its role in sustainable development, in strengthening peace, justice, rights, freedoms and democracy.


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