
Silver Creek Seniors meet

SILVER CREEK – The Silver Creek Seniors met on Tuesday, Feb. 13 with 23 members present. The meeting opened with the Pledge to the flag and singing God Bless America. Chaplain Pauline Flitt read a “God’s Presence” and offered a prayer for the members. Everyone brought their bag lunches and we enjoyed several varieties of donuts, and desserts.

The 50-50 raffle winners were Lorrie Newman, Jan Polisoto and Joan Suski. Gifts were won by Lorrie, Pauline, and Arlene Miller. Brenda Hennessey won the valentine floral arrangement donated by Deanna Borrello. Lucky card holders for the wheel were: Eleanor Lemiszko, Lorrie, Dixie Carlson, Becky Fancher, Judy Hahn and Enabell Mirando. Lorrie called bingo and winners were: Jeanne Blakely, Don Hoeber, Harry Suski, Jeanne, Gene Chesbro, Al Wilson (three times), Lorrie, Judy (twice), Arlene, Jan Polisoto and Enabell.

On Tuesday, Feb. 20 the group will have a potluck lunch. The club meets every Tuesday at 1 p.m. at 1823 Lake Road, Silver Creek. Anyone wishing information about the meetings, please call 716-934-2170.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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