
Hanover Historian visits Genealogical Society

Submitted photo Hanover Historian Vince Martonis is pictured holding two posters. The poster in the left photo advertises the Olean Wine Co. of Dunkirk. The other poster advertises the Fredonia Wines Co., owned by Henry Card & Co.

CASSADAGA – Hanover Historian Vince Martonis was the speaker at a recent meeting of the Chautauqua County Genealogical Society in Cassadaga. His topic involved a promotion of the book “Legends of the Chautauqua-Erie Grape Belt’ by John Slater.

Martonis explained the 18-year period during which Mr. Slater compiled information about the history of the grape industry in the county and created a digital archive of over 1,000 images relating to that history. He also announced the very special publishing award that Slater’s book recently won.

There were several tables full of grape-related history and photo albums from Martonis’s personal collection which attendees could examine. Genealogy related to several of the items was discussed. Several members purchased Slater’s award-winning book.


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