
City announces Memorial Day schedule

The annual Memorial Day Services and Parade will be Monday at Memorial Park on Lake Shore Drive West in Dunkirk. Services will begin promptly at 10 a.m. The parade will follow at approximately 11 a.m.

Memorial Day Services will be conducted by the participating organizations of the Dunkirk Joint Veterans Council. The Services will commence at 10 a.m. at Memorial Park in Dunkirk. Jack Sievert, Dunkirk Joint Veterans Council Commander is coordinating the Service with Mr. John D’Agostino, Master of Ceremonies, editor of the OBSERVER and The Post-Journal.

The council has been hosting the Memorial Day Services since 1966, making 2024 its 58th year of honoring our veterans who made the supreme sacrifice for us, laying down their lives while serving in the Armed Forces.

The Memorial Day Parade will begin approximately 11 a.m. directly following the Memorial Day Service. The parade route is as follows: proceed East on Lake Shore Drive West to Central Avenue. Parade will turn right onto Central Avenue, and proceed South to Fifth Street. The parade turns East onto Fifth Street and disbands at Washington Park.

The parade is hosted by the city of Dunkirk. The 2024 Memorial Day Parade Commentator is Mr. David Rowley, who retired as news director at WDOE radio last September.

The public is invited to attend and the D.J.V.C. urges the public to fly the flag this Memorial Day.

The Dunkirk Veterans Council salutes all veterans and remembers those who sacrificed for our freedom. “God bless all our veterans and this Great Nation of ours.”


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