
Dog walk set for suicide prevention, awareness

JAMESTOWN – Get your tails wagging and leashes ready for the Dwyer Dog Ruck Walk, happening on Saturday, June 1 at 11 a.m. at the scenic Bergman Park, 487 Baker Street Extension in Jamestown. This “fur-filled” event, organized by the Dwyer Veterans Peer-to-Peer Program, promises fun, fur, and friendship, supporting a great cause.

Local veterans and mental health advocates support the walk. It encourages participants to bring their dogs along for a one-mile journey, symbolizing veterans who tragically take their lives daily. Participants are invited to carry rucksacks of any weight they choose to represent the daily heavy burden many veterans carry.

This walk is a fantastic opportunity to honor our veterans, support mental health awareness, and spend a quality day with your four-legged best friend. Event organizers request dog owners keep their fur friends on a leash. We’re excited to see you there, rain or shine, for a day filled with joy, support, and community spirit. Let’s make this a day to remember for our veterans, our pups, and everyone in between. For more details, visit dwyerchautauqua.com or preventsuicidechq.com.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis, please reach out to the 24/7 Chautauqua County Crisis Hotline at 1-800-724-0461, the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988, or text TALK to 741741 to connect with the Crisis Text Line.


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