
Floral Hall Exhibitor’s Handbook available

The Chautauqua County Fair is just a couple of months away and the 2024 Floral Hall Exhibitor’s Handbook is now available on the Chautauqua County Fair’s website. Participants are welcome to check it out and consider entering art, photography, needlework, antiques and collectibles, amateur beer or wine, homemade foods or preserves, or homegrown flowers, fruits, or vegetables at this year’s Floral Hall.

All entries will be judged and those receiving first, second, or third place in any class will receive monetary premium awards. Entries may also be eligible to receive a sponsorship award that was gratuitously donated by area businesses, groups, and individuals for specific departments.

For the first time, any New York State resident can enter exhibits in Floral Hall. Previously, only Chautauqua County residents were permitted to enter.

Entry Saturday takes place on July 13 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the Chautauqua County Fairgrounds. All entries must be brought into Floral Hall on Entry Saturday and entry forms will also be processed at the Fair Office that day. Filled-out entry forms may be mailed or emailed to the Chautauqua County Fair prior to this date. The Floral Hall exhibits will be open to view during the Chautauqua County Fair, which runs July 16 to 21. Additional schedules, rules, and regulations are listed in the Floral Hall Exhibitor’s Handbook.

If interested in exhibiting in Floral Hall, please visit the Chautauqua County Fair’s website at chautauquacofair.org, click on the Fair Exhibitor Handbooks tab, scroll to select Floral Hall, and figure out what exhibits you may want to enter. Then fill out an entry form and either mail it to: 1089 Central Avenue, PO Box 191, Dunkirk, NY 14048, ATTN: Floral Hall Entry Clerk

Or email an attachment of a scanned or visible picture of your filled-out entry form to: cofair@netsync.net with “ATTN: Floral Hall Entry Clerk” in the subject line.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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