
Home destroyed, 2 more damaged by Falconer garage blaze

Photos courtesy Falconer Fire Department A fire that started in a garage at 2 Waldemeer Ave., Falconer, early Tuesday morning is pictured.

FALCONER –A fire early Tuesday morning destroyed a home on Waldemeer Avenue in Falconer.

Falconer volunteer firefighters responded to the fire at 2 Waldemeer Ave. around 3:24 a.m. Tuesday for a reported garage fire. When firefighters arrived, they found the garage to be on fire with the fire spreading toward two neighboring houses. According to a Facebook post on the Falconer Fire Department’s page, no injuries have been reported.

The department responded initially with two engine trucks, one ladder apparatus, one ambulance, two fire chiefs and 20 firefighters. The firefighters attacked the structural fire using 3 ¾ inch hoses from engine trucks and the ladder truck was used for ventilation. The origin of the fire is reported to have started at the garage located on the property; the garage was destroyed. One of the neighboring houses was also damaged during the fire and is reportedly able to be repaired. The other house damaged by the blaze is going to be left to the owner’s discretion and village code enforcement as to what will happen with it, reported the department’s Third Fire Chief Brent Yager.

The Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office Fire Investigation team was called to assist in determining the origin and cause of the fire. After investigation it was determined that the fire originated within the garage due to an overheated electric multi-strip.

The family is being assisted by the Red Cross. Departments responding include Kennedy, Kiantone, Gerry, Jamestown, Lakewood and Busti. Chautauqua County EMS also responded to the scene.


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