
The future from the past

The Buffalo Transportation Pierce Arrow Museum presents The Thomas Rocket Car at 201 Seneca at Michigan streets, The unveiling is Saturday. The Rocket Car was seen at Sanderson’s Garage, Fredonia and Dunkirk, sometime around 1938-1940, as per the ad. In 1938, The Thomas Rocket Car, created by Charles D. Thomas of Batavia, was promoted as “The Car of Tomorrow” and “the floating ride.” Publicity at the time touted the car had no fenders, no running board, no separation in the center of the floor, no visible door hinges and practically invisible wheels. It had a combination periscope, ventilator and aerial on the top of the car that appeared like a windblown fin. Thomas claimed the car could make a top speed of 100 mph, and even at that rate, consume only one gallon of gas.

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