
County history today

August 8:

– 1822: George Stoneman was born in Lakewood, who would become a notable figure in American history.

– 1858: William Hood died in Pomfret, the last Revolutionary War veteran in Chautauqua County, marking the end of an era.

– 1924: Rev. Harry White spoke at a Ku Klux Klan meeting in Jamestown City Hall, a controversial and dark moment in the area’s history.

– 1995: The first laser light show in Chautauqua County was held at Midway Park, introducing new entertainment technology.

– 2000: West Nile virus was first found in Chautauqua County, signaling a new public health concern.

– 2011: A blimp appeared at Dunkirk airport, a rare and exciting sight for residents.


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