
NCCF accepting letters of interest for Community Grants Program

The Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation (NCCF) has announced that it is now accepting letters of interest for the Community Grants Program until Sept. 1.

Nonprofit organizations are encouraged to apply and can find the full eligibility requirements and guidelines at nccfoundation.org/grants-programs.

The Community Grants Program, which operates biannually in March and September, provides an opportunity for local nonprofit organizations to submit grant proposals.

In the most recent Spring cycle, the NCCF’s Community Grants Program awarded $95,965 to 19 deserving organizations. Proposals must demonstrate an efficient and effective approach to addressing community needs or creating new opportunities.

Letters of interest should not exceed two pages and should include the following key components:

— A concise project description, highlighting how the proposed project furthers the organization’s mission.

— Clear identification of the anticipated and measurable impacts, such as the number of beneficiaries or specific community benefits.

— The total project cost and specific amount requested from the grants program.

— The signature of the organization’s Executive Director or President, along with the contact information of the primary person responsible for the proposal.

Following a thorough review by the grants committee, selected organizations will be invited to submit full grant applications. Letters of interest should be submitted to NCCF Program Coordinator Eileen Ardillo via email at eardillo@nccfoundation.org.

For additional information, interested parties are encouraged to visit nccfoundation.org or call 716-366-4892. The Community Grants Program is made possible through the generous contributions of donors who have established or contributed to Community Funds at the NCCF. These funds provide flexibility to address emergent community needs and maximize opportunities as they arise.

To contribute to an existing fund, please visit nccfoundation.org. For those interested in establishing a named Community Fund, please contact our office at 716-366-4892.

Since its incorporation in 1986, the NCCF has invested more than $21 million in northern Chautauqua County through strategic grantmaking, targeted scholarships, and leadership and community collaborations.

The NCCF is a tax-exempt charitable organization inherently committed to enhancing the northern Chautauqua community and encouraging local philanthropy. As a nationally accredited community foundation, the NCCF has proven compliance with the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations, demonstrating integrity, equity, accountability, transparency, and effectiveness in meeting the needs of its community. For more information on the NCCF, visit www.nccfoundation.org or call 716-366-4892.


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