
Silver Creek Senior Citizens meet

SILVER CREEK – The Silver Creek Seniors met on Oct. 8 with 23 members in attendance. President Sally Conover opened the meeting with the Pledge to the Flag. Chaplain Pauline Flitt read “A Prayer for Persons Suffering as a Result of a Natural Disaster” and asked a blessing on those present. Sally entertained with a joke.

The 50-50 winners were Tony Borrello, Sue Borowski and Judy Hahn. Winners of the door prizes were Joan Suski, Elaine Wojda and Deanna Borrello. Wheel of Fortune lucky winners included: Harry Suski, Lorrie Newman, Norra Carroll (twice), Joan Militello and Ginny Chesbro. Sally then started the auction which was very successful. Leftover items will still be at the Club next week for purchase. After that the remaining items will be donated to the Salvation Army.

Tuesday’s lunch will feature soups, bread and desserts. The Silver Creek Senior group meets every Tuesday at 1 p.m. Call Lorrie for information at 716-785-1074.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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