Appointments for VITA free tax services beginning soon

This month, tax preparation sites will include locations in Dunkirk, Jamestown and Silver Creek.
County residents who qualify for free tax preparation will soon be able to book appointments with the United Ways of Chautauqua County through the 2-1-1 phone service.
Each year, the United Ways of Chautauqua County administer the federal Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program locally, training volunteers to prepare income tax returns at no charge to residents.
Qualifying residents include individuals with a household income of $67,000 or less, persons with disabilities and those with limited English proficiency. This month, tax preparation sites will include locations in Dunkirk, Jamestown and Silver Creek. Site locations for February are currently being coordinated and will soon be announced.
United Way’s IRS-certified volunteers ensure that individuals and families receive every dollar they are eligible for in their federal and state returns, including valuable credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit. The goal of United Way and its volunteers is to ensure that 100% of individuals’ refunds are returned to the taxpayers locally.
“VITA is an essential resource for Chautauqua County families, and we’re proud to work with community volunteers to make this program possible,” said Joe Kwiatkowski, VITA coordinator for the United Ways of Chautauqua County. “Every dollar returned to local taxpayers helps strengthen our community.”
Last year, VITA volunteers helped prepare 1,307 federal tax returns and 1,362 state returns, returning more than $1.9 million in refunds to local taxpayers. This saved families $389,489 in tax preparation fees.
Individuals interested in having their taxes done through the VITA program can schedule an appointment by calling 211 Western New York at 2-1-1 or 1-888-696-9211. Do not call United Way. 211 Western New York is a free service funded in part by the United Ways of Chautauqua County. When calling, follow the automated prompts to connect with a representative who will assist you in booking an appointment.
A checklist of required documents for tax preparation can be found at
Appointments fill up quickly, so residents are encouraged to prepare their documents and call as soon as scheduling opens later this month.
In lieu of an appointment, taxpayers can also use the self-preparation portal at