People’s March Held Saturday In City

Submitted Photo More than 50 protesters marched Saturday as part of The People’s March (rebranded from the Women’s March) in Jamestown. Event Organizer, and Advocacy Chairwoman of The Zonta Club of Jamestown Bethany O’Hagan, said the walk had more to do with other women’s rights than just protesting the election of Donald Trump.
About 50 people marched in Jamestown on Saturday as part of the People’s March in advance of President Donald Trump’s inauguration on Monday.
The People’s March, rebranded from the Women’s March, wan an effort to support the rights of women and less to do with protesting Trump’s election, according to Bethany O’Hagen, event organizer and advocacy chair for The Zonta Club of Jamestown.
“We marched to show the strength of a feminist-led progressive movement, its communications and networks – and to stand up for reproductive freedoms, families and our futures,” said O’Hagan.
O’Hagan said in a prepared statement that some of the causes the march hoped to draw attention to includes the following abortion/reproductive justice; climate change; trans and queer youth right; gun violence; economic well-being; taxes and social supports; wages and jobs and healthcare.
“We’ve had around 50 marches from all over Western New York and as far as Coudersport, Pa.,” said O’Hagan, a native of Portland, Ore.
The marchers started at Baker Park, and basically marched in a square shape and ended up back at Baker Park within an hour or so.
The Jamestown Zonta club is part of Zonta International Inc., an international service organization with the mission of building a better world for women and girls –
The People’s March is in its second iteration, it was originally dubbed the Women’s March, which took place during the then President-Elect Donald Trump’s first inauguration which took place in January 2017. Women March officials said that more than 350 protest marches took place during this year’s walk.
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