
Jamestown man charged with murder

Photo by Eric Tichy A member of the Chautauqua County Forensic Investigation Team at the scene Saturday of a “suspicious death” on East Sixth Street in Jamestown.

JAMESTOWN — A Jamestown resident was charged with second-degree murder after a man was found dead in the parking lot of an apartment complex early Saturday in the city.

Police charged 51-year-old Brian M. Korzeniewski just hours after the prone body of Michael A. Bull was discovered between two parked sedans in the 500 block of East Sixth Street.

Officers were first notified of a suspicious situation around 4:45 a.m. and quickly cordoned off the area.

Bull, whose age and address were not released, was found to have died as the result of blunt-force trauma, Jamestown police said in a statement.

Members of the Chautauqua County Forensic Investigation Team were at the scene for most of the morning Saturday photographing the area and collecting evidence. An investigator was also seen interviewing several residents in the area of the crime scene.

Barbara Tidd of East Sixth Street and a 30-year resident of Jamestown learned of the homicide after visiting a neighbor across from the apartment complex. Tidd said she’s “getting worried” of the recent crime to hit the area, most recently Thursday after an 18-year-old was charged with discharging a firearm near Prendergast Avenue and Eighth Street in the city.

“It’s getting kind of scary,” she said. “It’s not just one or two things, it’s three or four things all at once.”

Tidd claims she saw Bull walking Friday on East Sixth Street around 8:30 p.m. and noted she saw him regularly in the area. The city resident relayed the information to an officer and later an investigator.

Korzeniewski was being held at the Jamestown City Jail pending arraignment in court.

Further questions to the Jamestown Police Department regarding the incident were directed to Chief Harry Snellings and Capt. Robert Samuelson, neither of whom were available.

Police are being assisted by the Chautauqua County District Attorney’s Office.


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