
County records three new COVID-related deaths

The number of Chautauqua County residents who have died due to complications associated with COVID-19 saw its highest single-day total during the pandemic.

The health department on Wednesday reported that three people with the virus passed away — totaling 32 to date that includes three people between the ages of 40 and 49; two between the ages of 50 and 59; three between 60 and 69; 10 between 70 and 79; 11 between 80 and 89; and three over the age of 90. The health department did not specify the ages of the three deaths reported Wednesday.

The number of county residents in the hospital with the virus — already at an all-time high — increased as well, from 38 reported Tuesday to 43 on Wednesday. Information released from the county Health Department is from data collected the previous day.

Meanwhile, the county reported 70 new total confirmed cases, with 17 involving people living in the Dunkirk zip code, seven in Fredonia, 14 in Jamestown, five in Ashville and three each in Frewsburg, Mayville, Panama and Westfield. Several municipalities also reported one or two additional cases.

The number of active cases have topped 457, an increase of 16 from information recorded Tuesday.

Of the cases currently deemed active, 20 are in Lakewood. Village Mayor Randy Holcomb said the recent increase appears to be from community spread.

“I’ve done some investigation and it seems as though, even though there are 20 cases in Lakewood, it’s not one place or particular issue, it is what we all know now is community spread and probably the first wave of after-Christmas COVID spread,” Holcomb said. “It’s 20 different individuals around Lakewood and probably the results of getting together around Christmastime. I checked with County Executive PJ Wendel that this community spread is not just Lakewood, it’s every community across Chautauqua County. It’s probably going to be a tough week this week and probably a tough next couple weeks with COVID and community spread until things are under control.”

The seven-day positivity rate, the number of people confirmed to have COVID compared to the total number of tests administered, was at 9.1% in the county, down from the 9.7% on Tuesday. To date there have been 3,566 total confirmed cases and 3,077 recoveries.

In Cattaraugus County, 68 new cases were reported Tuesday, totaling 2,407 to date in addition to 37 hospitalizations, 45 virus-related deaths, 1,905 recoveries and a seven-day positivity rate of 8.4%.

Cameron Hurst contributed to this story.


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