
Residents can help with improvements in neighborhood

These flowers around the Sixth Street and McKinley Avenue sign in Dunkirk add life to a corner.

Look how inviting the corner looks by “circling the sign” with marigolds! This simple planting can be done in any hamlet, village, city, or suburb. It’s a neighborhood beautification project that can be done by an individual, a group of neighbors, or a service project by a local organization.

Fall is the perfect time to start the project by digging up the sod, adding garden soil, and planting bulbs for spring blooming. It is best to choose daffodils as tulips seem to be favored by deer and other creatures of the night. After the daffodils are done, plant a pack of marigolds in June. The plants will need to be watered until established. To keep them blooming during the summer, plants should be mulched, fertilized every couple of weeks, and deadheaded as needed. If your street sign is in a shady area, try waxed begonias.

Imagine how nice your neighborhood will look if several street signs are circled with color next summer! One dedicated corner caretaker can start a movement, could that be you?


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