
Village expects ‘stronger’ Grape Fest next year

SILVER CREEK — Though there was less time to prepare than normal, Silver Creek Mayor Jeff Hornburg said that the 2021 edition of the Grape Festival came off as a pretty big success for all parties involved.

“It was a little bit different than what we’re used to,” said Mayor Jeff Hornburg. “But it was a festival nonetheless.”

The festival ran from Sept. 24 to 26 at the Village Park, and required plenty of hoops to go through. While the festival was announced as canceled in May, in July it was brought back. Because of this, vendors and event organizers didn’t have as much time to prepare as normal, prompting Hornburg to say that next year’s festival should be even closer to normal.

“I’m sure it’ll be back next year bigger and stronger,” Hornburg said. “And back to more of what people are used to when they have a full year to plan.”

Hornburg also issued thanks to the Silver Creek DPW and the Sewer and Water crew for cleaning up the village, preparing it for the Grape Festival and working with the town of Hanover Deputy Supervisor Lou Pelletter on getting the outside of the Ward-Dickinson Diner Car taken care of for display. While Pelletter did a lot of the work on the inside of the car, those crews mentioned by Hornburg helped clean up the grass outside the diner car, in addition to helping to install the ramp now attached to the car. See FEST, Page A3


“Sometimes we take those guys for granted and I don’t mean to do that,” Hornburg said.

Hornburg added that he got the sense that the village of Silver Creek needed the Grape Festival in order to have a sense of relaxation that might have been lacking during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As for what is coming up, Halloween hours were officially set in the village from 5 to 8 p.m. on the day of Halloween, Sunday, Oct. 31. Kiwanis will be holding its normal Halloween parade within the village and also be bringing back the “Trunk or Treat” that was held last year, where several cars will be parked downtown with the trunks open for kids to get candy out of, which is in place because of the pandemic.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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