
Auxiliary names delegate for Girls State from Dunkirk

Hailey Near

Dunkirk Memorial American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 has announced Dunkirk High School Junior Hailey Near as its 2023 Empire Girls State delegate.

Hailey is the daughter of Michelle Ossman of Dunkirk and is a member of the Class of 2024 at Dunkirk High School. She is an honor student and a member of the National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, SUNY Fredonia’s Upward Bound Program, JCC’s Liberty Partnerships Program, and is an officer in the DHS Drama Club. This year she participated in her third musical. She is also involved in Concert Band, Jazz Band, Chorus and Select Chorus. Hailey currently takes JCC classes and is slated to graduate with an Advanced Regents Diploma and a Seal of Biliteracy. She plans to pursue her higher education in the field of Adolescent Education.

Empire Girls State is one of the American Legion Auxiliary’s premier programs that is developed to offer a better perspective of practical government operations and to emphasize the role that individuals have within a democratic government. The girls learn the duties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities of American citizenship in a week-long, hands-on workshop in government. To be eligible for selection, each student must have outstanding qualities of leadership, character, honesty, scholastic achievements, cooperation, and maturity. The program also allows participants the opportunity to enroll and earn college credits after they have attended the program.

Hailey will be traveling to SUNY Brockport in July through the sponsorship of Dunkirk Memorial American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62.


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