
Pavilion planned for city Farmers Market

A new pavilion is planned for the Dunkirk Farmers Market.

The city Planning Board looked over blueprints at its Wednesday afternoon meeting and approved the site plan. Drawn up by city Code Enforcement Officer Glenn Christner, the pavilion includes 10 stalls for vendors, with each space 10 feet wide.

The pavilion would be on the corner of Ruggles and Wright streets, where the market currently takes place in the open air.

The nearby Dunkirk Senior Center parking lot will lose spaces if the pavilion gets built at the site. Christner said “only a few” spaces will be lost.

EJ Hayes, Dunkirk’s deputy planning director, said a pavilion for the market “is going to be huge for the neighborhood.” The pavilion might allow the market, currently open once a week from June to October, to expand.

He added that it should be safer for vendors and customers, as sellers will be further from the street than they are now and will be protected by a structure.

The pavilion would be built with state grant money. Although the grant was awarded, Hayes said the city has not signed a contract with the state for it yet — he is hoping it will get done by the end of the construction season.


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