
YWCA leader a guest at White House

Stephanie Stevens

Westfield’s executive director of its YWCA was a guest at the White House on Thursday.

Stephanie Stevens was invited to the White House alongside other members of YWCAs of New York State to participate in Communities In Action: Building a Better New York. The Biden-Harris administration created the Communities In Action series to give every state a platform to address its unique needs and priorities. The agenda for Building a Better New York will include discussions on infrastructure, clean energy, and healthcare costs.

YWCA Westfield and YWCAs of New York State are unified through their mission to eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. The associations’ policy priorities for this half-day session will include health, economic, safety, and racial justice initiatives.

“This is an amazing opportunity for the women of New York,” said Stevens. “I am honored to be an advocate for our community among the most influential decision-makers in our country.”

Stevens, who also serves as president of YWCAs of New York state,was to be joined by Dianne Stancato, chief executive officer of YWCA Mohawk Valley, and Dr. Myra Henry, chief executive officer of YWCA Rochester and Monroe County. Each leader had the opportunity to bring attention to their own community’s needs and to return empowered with new resources and connections to build their best New York.

During her time in Washington, Stevens also spoke with U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer about needing his leadership to pass a $16 billion supplemental budget request for child care.

The Community In Action series brings the Building a Better America “roadshow” to the White House by lifting up the voices and examples of local leaders who are delivering real results for working families.

Each half-day forum invites local leaders to share the ways that the administration is supporting their efforts to create opportunities and improve people’s lives, and provides briefings for local leaders from senior administration officials and Cabinet Members. Communities in Action will eventually feature all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the territories, and tribal communities.


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