Mayor says boil-water order has ended
Fredonia’s boil-water order has ended.
Mayor Mike Ferguson reported in a Facebook post that the order had been lifted on Sunday morning. He also advised residents to run their water for a couple of minutes before using.
A third order within a year was issued on Thursday for village users after a chlorine pump needed to be replaced. “The domestic pump in the facility failed. This pump circulates water through a water heater into the bottom of our chlorinators by way of a spraying unit which then dissolves chlorine pellets to make the disinfectant,” Luis Fred, Fredonia’s water operator said. “We noticed the problem overnight during hourly rounds and immediately started troubleshooting. Unfortunately, isolated incidents like this one happen, and is no fault of any individual. The Water Treatment Plant here in the Village of Fredonia has always put the interest of the community first by producing the best quality of water we can and will continue to do so.”
Boil-water orders are becoming all-too common for users, affecting businesses, the State University of New York at Fredonia and residents. Currently the Village Board is looking at ways to better serve those users. In December, it voted to go with an option that includes the purchase of water from Dunkirk.
A faction of residents who are members of the Citizens Action Group for Saving Our Reservoir want the current system upgraded.
“When we say, ‘fix our water system,’ we do not mean a pie in the sky, multi-year, tens of millions of dollars project to buy water from a neighbor,” the group said in a statement Saturday. “We mean fixing our village water system including saving our reservoir.”