
Tampio credits county for senior tax exemption

OBSERVER Photo by Braden Carmen Village Trustee Kathy Tampio credited the Chautauqua County Legislature for raising the income limit for a partial tax exemption for senior citizens.

SILVER CREEK — At a recent meeting of the Village Board, Trustee Kathy Tampio credited the Chautauqua County Legislature for its efforts to financially protect its senior citizens.

The county recently passed a resolution regarding the Senior Partial Property Tax Exemption, which applies to 50% of a senior’s assessed property value. Tampio highlighted that the income eligibility limit has been increased from approximately $22,000 to the State limit of $58,400.

“That was important because many seniors were going to be affected because of the increase in social security that was received,” Tampio said. She highlighted that several assessors brought up the increase to the County to keep from having seniors lose the exemption because of the increase.

“I’m very happy to see that the county did it,” Tampio said. “… It’s important to our seniors that are just making it.”

Mayor Jeff Hornburg also credited Hanover Town Supervisor Lou Pelletter and Deputy Supervisor Bernie Feldmann, Jr. for their work with the updated, two-year contract with the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office for Enhanced Police Patrol. “I think it will be a big help for both the Village and the Town for the next two years,” Hornburg said.

Donna Metzger of the Planning Board stated two members have been working closely with the Town of Hanover Planning Board for collaboration. One project on the agenda of the Village Planning Board, in the preliminary stage, is a park in the Village to honor service members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Space Force, along with firefighters, police officers and the U.S. Border Patrol. Metzger said one potential is to use some of the bricks from the soon-to-be demolished school on Main Street in some way.

“I think it’s necessary, especially for young people to know how many people do keep you safe. It’s not just the policeman on the corner,” Metzger said.

Tampio asked for a conceptual plan and budget to be submitted for the Silver Creek-Irving Heritage Fund prior to a submission deadline in October.


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