
Cassadaga discusses water pipe mandates

CASSADAGA — While the village’s proposed capital project remains on the horizon, it is also preparing for another hassle.

By this October, municipalities are required to document water lines — and the material they are made of — that service each household. The reason for the requirement is to ensure no lead is polluting the water of residents.

Department of Public Works Superintendent Sam Alaimo discussed the issue at length with the Village Board. “The problem is that they are not going to take your word,” Alaimo said.

As it currently stands, the village anticipates the need to evaluate and document each household. “There are going to be a lot of mad people, but it’s not me,” Alaimo said.

Village Trustee Cathy Cruver stated Alaimo would have “the honor of being the deliverer of bad news.”

Alaimo said he did not receive much guidance from the State representative he spoke with. The Village plans to proceed once more information is made available in the coming months.

Also of note, Ryan Burlingame was also reappointed as the Vice Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

The village also agreed to spend $1,200 of American Rescue Plan Act funds to enclose the pavilion at the ball fields to allow for storage of equipment for the local Little League teams. The Village will also evaluate the installation of a concession stand at the fields. There are seven local baseball teams and several softball teams that use the fields, and an AED was recently donated by a resident for use at the fields.

The village also approved a request of Robert Frank Jr., Cassadaga Fire Chief, for a budget transfer and purchase of three sets of turnout gear for the Fire Department. The budget adjustment of $2,213.50 from Fire Department Equipment moved to the Turnout Gear budget line was approved, as was the purchase of the gear at the total cost of $12,483.


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