
Pomfret eyes playground renovations

The town of Pomfret is looking at renovations to the two playgrounds it has a say in running.

Pomfret and the village of Fredonia both run the Barker Street Playground and another one in Laona, in an ancient arrangement. At last week’s Pomfret Town Board meeting, Supervisor Dan Pacos announced he took the initiative to seek renovations at the town’s playgrounds.

Pacos said he had discussed plans with town engineers CPL. They are looking for grants to fund the project.

One notable idea is to build a screen between the Barker Playground and the adjacent One Temple Square. There are long-running complaints that smokers from the apartment building bother kids at the playground.

Pacos said they are eying handicap-accessible equipment, and a splash pad. There is also talk of making Barker a “multi-generational” playground with fitness equipment for adults.

“In our session about Barker Street (Playground), we started talking about Laona (Playground),” Pacos said. “Maybe we could do something to punch that up.”

The Laona playground “could be a better spot for a bigger splash pad,” he later added.

Jude Gardner, Pomfret highway superintendent, mentioned security concerns at the two playgrounds. “Part of the discussion is to have motion-activated floodlights that come on,” said Deputy Town Supervisor Ann Eckman.

Pacos said there was little point in adding fences “because people will crawl in.”

The village of Fredonia also runs playgrounds on its own. Village officials recently discussed cutting them, though they opted not to, after significant community criticism. Pacos noted that affair as he began talking about Pomfret’s initiative.

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