Howard, Bogosian re-appointed atop Silver Creek school board
SILVER CREEK — Just before the end of the school year, Silver Creek awarded Superintendent Dr. Katie Ralston a long-term contract extension by the Board of Education. At its next meeting, the Board doubled down on continuity, as Martha Howard was re-elected as Board President and Matt Bogosian was re-elected as Vice President for another school year.
The Board also established its committees and assignments for the upcoming year. Gregory Cole is the CCSBA Legislative Representative. Director of Athletics Sean Helmer was also reappointed.
While continuity is a trend atop the District, a few new faces officially joined the Black Knight family at a recent meeting. Tyler LoTempio was appointed as the District’s newest secondary Science Teacher. LoTempio holds Initial Certification in both Chemistry 7-12 and Mathematics 7-12, and will teach Chemistry and Physics at Silver Creek. LoTempio’s appointment carries a four-year probationary period ending on Aug. 27, 2028, at which point LoTempio will be eligible for tenure.
Additionally, Sheila Casper was re-appointed for another year with the District as a Long-term Substitute Teacher. Casper will be teaching in place of Alicia Rutkowski-Warecki, Spanish Teacher, for the 2024-2025 school year as Rutkowski-Warecki takes unpaid child-rearing leave. Casper is presently working towards her Permanent Certification in Spanish 7-12. The District also appointed Alyssa Abbott as Accountant on a 12-month provisional basis beginning July 15.
Two new clubs were also approved for a trial period: Middle School eSports Club and High School Creative Writing, each advised by Anthony DiGennaro. Teachers Elizabeth Guzzetta and Janet Decker were also granted Special Assignments.
The District appointed a long list of substitutes for the 2024-2025 school year. Thalia Martinez, Yvonne McCarthy, and Jasmine Swartz were appointed as substitute Lunch Monitors. Office substitutes are McCarthy, Swartz, Jennifer Seitz, Nicolle Evenden, and Lisa Whipple. Substitute Teacher Aides include Seitz, Swartz, McCarthy, Martinez, Madeleine Abate, Bailey Zbytek, Ellie Decker, Kiera Brennan, and Abby Rice.
Certified Substitute Teachers are Sheila Casper and Taylor Potter. Non-certified Substitute Teachers are Michael Leamon, McKenna Miller, Abate, Brennan, Decker, Rice, Swartz and Zbytek. Retired Teachers approved as substitutes include Betty Jo Gabel-Lewis, Beverli Horrocks, Elizabeth Seegert, Martha Waterman, and Mary Ellen Watson. Certified and Retired Teachers are paid $150 per day. Non-certified Teachers and Teaching Assistants receive $120 per day.
District Lifeguards are Amber Lockwood, Kevin Murawski, Mariah Polowy, McKayla Polowy, Amy Seiders, and Madelynn Waite. Lockwood is also a Fitness Guard, along with Cara Rybak, Jody Johnson and Michael Jackson. Catherine Casselberry was appointed as Pool Director.
Donna Roof was appointed as Director of Community Education; Beth Miller was named Community Center Coordinator; and Kristin McChesney is the Site Coordinator for the WNY Food Bank Backpack Program. McChesney was also named the District’s Knight U Coordinator. Pamela Postle was named Substitute Assistant Transportation Director.
Michelle Helmer is the Title VI Grant Administrator, as well as the School Administrator for the My Brother’s Keeper Grant. Aimee Sleeth is the Native American Career Pathway Program Coordinator. Kristy Jones was appointed as a parent member of the Committee for Special Education.
Alison Gondek and Kelly Pieniazek were named Co-Mentor Coordinators. Teacher Mentors for the year are Aaron Johnson, Jaime Karnes, Bridget Hojnacki, Jason Mirek, Rose Battleson, Carolyn Laurenzi-Timmerman, Beth Miller, Christian Charles, Lisa Buczkowski, Abigail Janca, Lynn Feeley, Joanna Gould, Lindsay Weiss, Becky Williams, Janelle Smith, Cassandra Roberts, and Nick Gerard.
The next meeting of the Silver Creek Board of Education is Aug. 8 at 6 p.m.