
‘Honor’ for service: Fredonia volunteers plan new memorial

OBSERVER Photo by M.J. Stafford Fredonia Volunteer Fire Department officials break ground on a new memorial Thursday morning.

Fredonia’s volunteer fire department broke ground on a new memorial Thursday morning.

The memorial will be located in front of the museum at the fire department on West Main Street.

“It’s a tribute to those who have served at Fredonia Fire Department since its inception,” said Julius Leone, president of the volunteer department. “It’s to recognize people who have kept their community safe.”

The new memorial will incorporate a granite block memorial from 1967 which is currently on site. That will be moved so it is in the center of the plot, and a flagpole currently atop the block will get moved.

A new bell is going atop the block. Leone said it will be rung for the first time at the dedication of the memorial.

Interpretive signs will surround the bell and block, depicting the history of Fredonia’s volunteer fire department dating to the 1800s. That’s intended to complement the display in the museum right behind the memorial.

A concrete floor, along with benches, will complete the memorial. Steve St. George is the contractor building the memorial.

“It will be in honor of all of those who have served the Fredonia Fire Department,” Leone said. “It’s not about people who have passed away.”

Leone noted the memorial has been talked about for years. It was originally slated for the spot where an electric sign was erected a couple years ago.

“The goal is to dedicate on or around 9/11,” Leone said. “I think we’ve got all the pieces ready to go. That’s still the date we’re shooting for.”


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