Light Up Cassadaga ready to shine brightly Dec. 7
CASSADAGA – Citizens for a Better Cassadaga is excited to announce that “Light Up Cassadaga” will be here soon.
On Saturday, Dec. 7 at 3:30 p.m., Santa will arrive at Ames Common on a firetruck.
There will be free hot chocolate and fire pits to help keep you warm.
Across the street will be a live Nativity and snacks inside Park Church. At the library, there will be children’s activities, books and more snacks.
At 5 p.m., back at Ames Common, Christmas Caroling and lighting of the park will commence.
For more Christmas spirit, everyone is invited back to the church where the Valley Community Choir will perform a holiday concert at 6 p.m.
For the second year in a row, the Fire Guys have been contracted to hang the lights, which they agreed to do at a discounted rate.
Citizens for a Better Cassadaga would like to thank the Village of Cassadaga, Cassadaga Fire Department and auxiliary, Park Methodist Church and Cassadaga Library for all their contributions.
Funds for the lights were donated by the following residents, organizations and businesses: Tier 3 ($300) – American Legion Auxiliary, American Legion Post 1280, Sons of the American Legion, Kingfisher Point, Don and Vicki Borda, DBA Integrated Benefit Solutions. Tier 2 ($200) – John & Susan Sipos, Kathy and Peter George, Chris Cooke, CVFD Auxiliary. Tier 1 ($100) – Red House, Witco Inc., Jordan Family, Don and Jody Faulkner, Front Porch Promise Farm, Jan Hodan, Kim Collins and Cassadaga Shurfine. Others who donated include Fredrickson Builders Supply, Cassadaga Country Club, Bill & Vi Dorman, Bob & Regina Burlingame, Lauren Fenton – Metallicux, Elaine and Kevin Bardol and basket raffle contributors. Thank you, all.
For more information, call 716-785-4882.