
Retired officer releases new crime drama book

Leo Jones

Leo Jones recently released “Uncovered Justice” which tells the story of Capt. Joe Carter, who runs a drug task force in, of all places – western New York.
[/caption]Upon retiring from the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Department as a Lieutenant in charge of the Narcotics Division, Leo Jones found he had a lot more free time to use.

So, Jones used his time to write about what he knows.

He knows plenty.

Jones spent 25 years in the department with 15 of those years as Commander of the Southern Tier Regional Task Force, so he has the experience working narcotics cases, undercover work, and making drug buys.

“I always felt that that was like the most interesting work you could do in the police department,” Jones said.

Submitted Photo Leo Jones recently released “Uncovered Justice” which tells the story of Capt. Joe Carter, who runs a drug task force in, of all places - western New York.

Jones recently released “Uncovered Justice” which tells the story of Capt. Joe Carter, who runs a drug task force in, of all places – western New York.

But Jones didn’t want to tell just “a story.” Because of his experience, his story is authentic, and he immerses the reader in what it’s like to work a case from beginning to end on a drug task force. Through the eyes of Carter, the reader gets to know the personalities and interactions of each member of Carter’s unit, and the stress that goes along with being a drug investigator is.

“I wanted to bring the reader right into the task force,” Jones said.

After being gently cajoled by different people, Jones began writing his book in 2015, and absolutely loved the arduous process.

“I actually started in 2015, and it was one of those things, because I really had never done it before. It’s completely different. I get going and then, I take a couple days off, and then I get going again, and I rewrote it,” Jones said.

He wrote eight drafts.

“But I would always go back and I would say, wow, ‘there’s too much of this, but not enough of that.’ And, you know, I wrote a lot of drafts,”

And then he sent off the manuscript to many different publishers.

And the rejection slips piled up on his desk.

Some publishers, Jones said, offered some positive advice, but still no takers – until one publishing company, Creative Texts Publishers, gave a green light – then all systems were a go.

Jones said he and the publisher worked on revisions until the manuscript was ready for publication. His routine varies as he writes at different times during the day. He writes for two to three hours in the morning, and then he will come back to the manuscript at night for a few hours.

“There are (ideas) going on in my head,” Jones added. “I’ll be laying in bed at night, and I’m thinking about ‘what’s the next chapter?’ Or ‘what direction do I want to go?'”

Jones either gets his thoughts and ideas down on paper or types them in his computer, but either way, there is a physical commitment, and the ideas and thoughts are not lost on him.

“I sat down, and I tried to, to be a little bit different, because I’m a reader, so I read a lot of crime dramas, and I wanted to make it a little bit different,” Jones added.

For more information on where to purchase “Uncovered Justice” visit amazon.com. For more information on his publisher, visit creativetexts.com.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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