
Reed’s vote disappoints Republicans

Congressmen Tom Reed and Chris Collins have now joined the Republican In Name Only “RINO” hall of shame club. Both voted for the president’s most recent act of fiscal insanity, the 1.12 trillion budget that runs to September. This is a total Republican capitulation to every one of Obama’s transformation dreams. Here is a tiny bit of what is included :

After all the news items that Planned Parenthood was killing unborn babies and selling their body parts it was business as usual, completely funded.

No money for a border fence but full funding for every illegal alien who feels like walking in. That means you pay for their food, housing, medical care or anything else they may want.

Funding sanctuary cities which allows ‘criminal’ illegal aliens a safe haven to commit crimes against Americans.

Full funding for Syrian refugee resettlement and Middle East immigration programs that have been exploited by terrorists in the past. Obama plans to bring in tens of thousands Syrians in 2016. In an age of terror how stupid is this? Oh, that’s right, they’ll only bring in the law-abiding Islamists.

We have many examples of how easily American-born Muslims can be recruited by radicals. How hard will it be when you have thousands of young Islamic men who come in unable to speak English and having no education or marketable skills and with nothing but time on their hands.

The president has brought in 680,000 Muslims just between 2009 and 2013 and he’s just getting warmed-up. Many of these people are from terrorist hell holes, thus ensuring major problems in the future. Now we know what he meant when he said he would ‘transform America’

Quadruples the H2-B visa program for 2016. This is the one that lets foreigners come in and take American workers jobs.

Funds for the “earned income tax credit” for illegal aliens. This program gives thousands of dollars in tax refunds to people who shouldn’t even be here.

The budget also locks in huge spending increases thus pushing the national debt near the 20 trillion dollar neighborhood. This is great for your children and grandchildren assuring they’ll inherit a bankrupt nation filled with jihads. Who could ask for more ?

We will be hearing of all the great things this budget will do for us. Congress always throws a bunch of money at members in order to buy their votes but that does not negate the damage that will occur to our nation by voting for this terrible piece of legislation.

By their vote on this budget these two congressmen have shown a complete disregard for the well being of our country and should not receive the support of any voter who cares about the future of America.

Tom Reigelman is a Fredonia resident.


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