
Capitalism helps drive our country

There is an old adage that in a capitalistic society, “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” There is an often unspoken fact, however, that must be considered and that is that in a socialistic society it is the government who gets rich and the poor who pay for it.

This whole idea of berating capitalism as a fire breathing dragon is simply ludicrous! If it weren’t for those rich men and women investing their time, talents, education and money into the place where you work in order to not only sustain their lives but that of you and your family, would you be employed? It is not a “one dollar for me and one dollar for you” philosophy that has made this country great. It is the entrepreneurial men and women who have earned the right to create a place of business that provides you an opportunity to work.

Socialism is not the answer!

If it were not for the “Capitalists” where would this country be? In fact, it is precisely the “working class” who benefit the most from the economic progress. If it were not for the “Capitalists” there would be no industry, big business or international trade and transport. Think about this. If it were not for the business and industry tycoons, there would be no mass production of products to sell. This country was built on the idea of capitalism. That is what has made it prosper.

Here in the United States of America we have the freedom to create, expand our resources through our own efforts, maximize our profits and improve our standard of living without “Big Brother” saying we have to share our profits with our next door neighbor because they don’t have the same personal initiative, motivation, or brain power as we do. This is not a society that would easily welcome Robin Hood — taking from the rich and giving to the poor is not the answer. Remember, give a man a fish and he can eat for the day, teach him to fish and he can eat for life.

One glaring problem with socialism is that it wants the government to “give the man the fish” as just one more way for total government control over our daily lives. Yes, I understand that under the capitalistic system the rich do tend to get richer, but the poor also get richer because there are more opportunities for them to earn money. And they can do so without the government telling them how much they can earn or how and where to spend it.

It is my sincere belief that socialism actually hurts the most vulnerable. It takes away their pride, their self-reliance, their desire to be all that they can be. When a socialistic government gives the handouts, they DO expect something in return, they are buying the pride and lifeblood of the individual accepting the fish.

But let’s take a look at these two forms of government.

Capitalism is a market driven economy where the market shapes society, e.g. products and services are based on market demand. Socialism is another story entirely. With socialism, we talk about the businesses and services being state owned and where the state (government) determines how much and what is created and distributed. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m not so sure I want government telling me how to run my business and how much product I can produce and at what price, or what services I can provide. I prefer to have property and businesses owned and controlled by individuals — even the rich ones!

There are some countries who subscribe to, and are governed by, a socialist economy. Are we ready to be like the People’s Republic of China, Cuba, Bangladesh, or Vietnam?

When this country was settled, it was done so with the idea of freedom as the driving force. That freedom speaks to the concept of capitalism. Just go back and read the history books about the industrial revolution. Had it not been for those men and women who believed in capitalism, where would we be today as a country? The United States of America has a history of entrepreneurial quests, riches, and a desire to achieve through dogged ambition and incessant competition. Capitalism is at the very heart of the success of this country, and is integral to our economy.

Socialism, a government operated business model is not the answer. Fair is fair, but so is hard work that brings profits to business and industry and wealth to its owners and workers. My economics college professor had a sign above his classroom door that read, “There ain’t no free lunch.” Those supporting the idea of electing a socialistic president need to think about this, somebody always pays one way or the other.

Many of us will be going to the polls on April 28 to vote for a nominee as a candidate for the upcoming Presidential election — when you color that oval, be sure to think about how much control you want the next President to have on your pocket book, that of your employer, and whether you want a hand out or a hand up? How much is your freedom worth?

I believe in giving to the needy, and I do so on a regular basis. But I also believe that creating a dependence on my generosity is wrong. We read in 2 Thessalonians 3:11-12, “For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.”

On an up note, spring is just around the corner. There are crocus popping up in my side yard, Sam has been chasing a few baby bunnies, and now I’m waiting for the robins.

Have a great day.


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