
Energy ideas don’t consider cost


In a letter to the editor headlined, “We must act for our world,” the writer tries to explain why we must change to electric vehicles and be very concerned for our climate and elminate fossil fuel use. The writer makes the case that we should switch to renewable energy. The writer also explains that we must get out of internal combustion vehicles now and to be incentivized to start driving electric vehicles such as buses and trucks as well.

The writer goes on to note that New York must radically expand the electric vehicle charging infrastructure to implement its own fleets, the writer goes on to say what we really need is for the electric vehicles to be the norm, and not that 14-gallon gas minivan or truck as well. Dirty fracked natural gas should not be the heating norm. It is already too expensive in its deleterious effects on our climate and environment. Air pump or geothermal heating are the alternatives. What we can’t have is business as usual.

Now let us take a hard look at those comments. First, where does one get his or her car charged by electric?

Where are the rechargeable stations located? Who is going to tell China and India to change their whole way of life and their polluting, which is a lot worse than any other country, especially the USA?

The exaggeration of the writer does not explain all of those efforts that will fail with foreign countries, especially those that really pollute our earth.

The writer sounds like what the Democrats are trying to do at this time. All of those suggestions are fine, but the actual facts of reality must also be taken into consideration, which neither the Dems nor the writer have taken into consideration before writing an article. Be prepared for the reality of that article. How much will the electric car cost? How much will it cost for the electric power for the car?

Sometimes, people need to think before writing articles that will scare others.

Richard Makuch is a Dunkirk residents.


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