
Brooks has important city history

The legacy of Brooks Memorial Hospital in the city of Dunkirk

The Brooks Memorial Hospital has been standing tall for more years than can be counted. Generations have been born at this hospital. In the past, with previous leaders of this hospital, we have had a smooth-running hospital and probably would have continued in that direction.

First, why do outside interests who don’t reside in this city have the right to make any kind of decisions for this hospital? Where did they get the approval to make changes, especially changes that affect the shutting down of Brooks Hospital completely and attempting to build another hospital in another community?

Where are the decision-makers from the city of Dunkirk to make any type of decision for Brooks Memorial Hospital? Why do only outsiders have the authority to make that most important decision for the city of Dunkirk and its residents?

Why are the residents in the city of Dunkirk tolerating these decisions from outside interests? This is a major problem that will not go away easily. The residents of Dunkirk will not tolerate this move and what the decisions from the outsiders make in reference to an empty Brooks building. Has anyone thought of that problem? Probably not the outsiders. They are only thinking about a new hospital in their village of Fredonia and nothing else.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why the Dunkirk residents are not vocal against this project that will destroy our hospital in the city of Dunkirk that serves all communities in the area.

The area that the outsiders want is in a very congested area in Fredonia and impossible for heavy traffic for emergency vehicles. Again, how did those outsiders get the powers to shut down Brooks Hospital, and who are they?

Richard Makuch is a Dunkirk resident. Send comments to editorial@observertoday.com


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